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St. Therese and Cleveland Carmel
All of our Carmelite saints in their own unique way desired union with God and prayed that all people would come to know the extraordinary love of God in their lives.
The sisters of Cleveland Carmel have always had a special relationship with Saint Therese. Each year we have the Novena to Saint Therese with a closing Liturgy. The following excerpt from an early journal entry from one of the sisters indicates the longstanding bondedness to the saint of the Little Way:
The Little Queen of Lisieux was beatified by His Holiness, Pope Pius XI, on April 29, 1923, and her courtiers in every nation thrilled with joy. It was, then, not to be wondered at, the Catholics of Cleveland would welcome with enthusiasm the arrival of a Carmelite Community to their city. Little Therese had paved the way for them. So genuine was the welcome given them that we are told of the times that Sister Angela, the extern sister, would go downtown to buy a few items for the Community, how the people would stop her in the street to greet her, to kiss her scapular, and offer an alms. Many a time she returned with the required purchase and with more money in her purse than when she set out.

The sisters of Cleveland Carmel have always had a special relationship with Saint Therese. Each year we have the Novena to Saint Therese with a closing Liturgy. The following excerpt from an early journal entry from one of the sisters indicates the longstanding bondedness to the saint of the Little Way:
The Little Queen of Lisieux was beatified by His Holiness, Pope Pius XI, on April 29, 1923, and her courtiers in every nation thrilled with joy. It was, then, not to be wondered at, the Catholics of Cleveland would welcome with enthusiasm the arrival of a Carmelite Community to their city. Little Therese had paved the way for them. So genuine was the welcome given them that we are told of the times that Sister Angela, the extern sister, would go downtown to buy a few items for the Community, how the people would stop her in the street to greet her, to kiss her scapular, and offer an alms. Many a time she returned with the required purchase and with more money in her purse than when she set out.