Lauds – As a community of faith we begin our day in praise of God. We sing joyfully, pray the psalms, listen to Scripture, sing the Benedictus, and offer intercessory prayer for our church and world.
Midday Prayer – We pause to give God praise in the middle of our work day. It is a midday moment of rest when we come together in mindful attention praying the psalms and listening to Scripture.
Vespers – We give thanks to God for the day and the opportunity to be of service. We continue the rhythm of praying the psalms and listening to Scripture. We again are mindful of all the intentions that have been commended to our prayer and sing the Magnificat as we remember the Blessed Virgin Mary’s fidelity and care.
Office of Readings – During the evening hours we bless the Lord through song, psalms, and readings. This is a time of ending our community prayer together and a time of preparation for the next day in our liturgical life.
Night Prayer – Each sister begins the night’s rest by praying psalms and scripture in solitude. As Simeon, the elder prophet in the temple, blessed the Lord, so we too bless the Lord as we approach the quiet of the night.